• Country: Serbia
  • Industry: Healthcare services
  • Date of initial investment: 2014
  • Exit date: 2018 (partial exit – majority)
  • Current ownership stake: 43%
  • Ownership stake at peak: 100%
Company description:
Miloš Klinika is the regional centre of excellence for ophthalmology based in Serbia. It offers examinations as well as complex eye surgery procedures. The company generates most of its revenue from private patient base and also has contracts with the regional state or local healthcare funds that regularly send patients to Miloš Klinika for cataract and posterior eye surgeries.
Blue Sea Capital value added:
Strengthened and incentivised a professional management and aligned remuneration of top doctors with company’s performance
Realigned strategy to focus on profitable and recurring private patient base
Worked together with management in order to identify and acquire star doctors with complementary service offering
Oversaw management in introduction of new services, state of the art equipment, modern marketing methods and detailed financial reporting